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Fire Escape Hood TZL 30 Indonesia LTC Glodok Jakarta Barat Call/WA 081310626689

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Detail Produk Fire Escape Hood TZL 30 Indonesia LTC Glodok Jakarta Barat Call/WA 081310626689


Fire Escape Smoke Hood TZL 30/

Masker Pelindung Asap Kebakaran digunakan ketika menghadapi bencana kebakaran agar dapat melewati asap tanpa mengganggu pernapasan. Sebagian besar Korban Kebakaran Meninggal Dunia karena Asap.
Dengan memakai Masker ini ada KESEMPATAN untuk keluar mencari jalan keluar dengan selamat.
Kelengkapan : Kotak plastik bersegel, Plastik pembungkus Masker, Masker beserta tali pengencang.

Daya tahan untuk melewati asap lebih kurang 30 menit.

How To Wear The Hood

  1. Open the box, take out the hood. (Figure 1 on fron cover)
  2. Unfold it and pull out two plugs from the front (Figure 2) and back (Figure 3) filter opening, discard the container and the stoppers.
  3. Push the filter our of the hood with both thumb, spread the hood and pull it over the head (figure 4)
  4. Spectacle wearers need not remover them, push long hair under the hood, grip the mask at the filter canister and positon it correctly  over the mouth and nose, tighten the strap by piling them backward and to the side (Figure 5)
  5. Breath calmly and follow the route to the emergency exit, if this is not posible, wait for the fire bridgade to arrive, make yourself noticeable by knocking and/or appearing at the window (Figure 6).

Precaution in use

The Hood is designed and manufacture to filter poisonous smoke and toxic gasses, but it does not supply oxygen.


  • This Hood should not be used in an atmosphere containing less than 17% oxygen
  • This Hood is designed for single use.
  • We recommend that you discard the hood after use in an emergency condition, such as chemical or poisonous gases, smoke and fire environment. the filter cartridge might be neutralized with chemical gases and smoke during filtering.
  • This Hood shouldnot be used for work protection or venturers, but for personal escape and life – saving procedures only.
  • Storage condition : store in a 32 derajat – 104 derajat  Farenheit environment, with no heat source, flammables, explosive and corrosive materials nearby and away from rain and moisture corrosion.
  • This Hood should be put I storage with both two red cap (inside and outside) closed tightly when not in use. This Hood is not suitable for infants. Recommend that and adult help the small children to wear the mask property.
  • The Hood is up to standart EN403:2001
  • Our warranty of the hood effectiveness does not apply after expiration of the (effective date is indicated on the box)


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