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Fire Escape Hood XHZLC 60 Product Standart : GA209-1999 Indonesia LTC Glodok Jakarta Barat Call/WA 081310626689

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Detail Produk Fire Escape Hood XHZLC 60 Product Standart : GA209-1999 Indonesia LTC Glodok Jakarta Barat Call/WA 081310626689

Fire Escape Hood XHZLC 60 Product Standart : GA209-1999

Masker Pelindung Asap Kebakaran digunakan ketika menghadapi bencana kebakaran agar dapat melewati asap tanpa mengganggu pernapasan. Sebagian besar Korban Kebakaran Meninggal Dunia karena Asap.
Dengan memakai Masker ini ada KESEMPATAN untuk keluar mencari jalan keluar dengan selamat.
Kelengkapan : Kotak plastik bersegel, Plastik pembungkus Masker, Masker beserta tali pengencang.

Daya tahan untuk melewati asap lebih kurang 30 menit.

Operation Instruction

  1. Application : The respirator is istended for applications in governmental institutions, hotels, ofiice bulding, forest, airports, departement stores, banks, ships, post offiices, power industry, telecommunications, subway, recreation centers, refineries, and chemical industry, etc. as an essential bretahing-protective device for personal safety in fire accidents.
  2. Main Technical Properties ( Conforming to GA209-1999 of the Ministry of public security)  a. Effective Hours : Type 60 min with good air tightness and multiple protections against poson gas, fire, heat radition and smoke and suitable for all kinds of adult faces.

b. Useful Protection ; againts carbon monoxide (CO), poison, smoke and fog.

c. Mist Permeability Coefficient : <5%

d. Inhalation Resistance : <800pa ; Exhalation Resintance : <300pa

3. Operation Procedures

a. Open the box and take out the vaccum packing bag;

b. Tear off the vaccum packing bag, take out the respirator and pull out the two plugs respectively

c. Put on the helmet and tighten the string

d. Decide your way out and escape quickly

4. Notes

a. Make rehearsals periodically for quick and efective escape in emergency.

b. This device is a one-off product for personal escape only and shall not be used as common protective device

in work.

c. This device shall be kept in a well-ventilated place free of heat sources, flammables, explosive and corrosive

materials nearby and shall be protected from rain and moisture with ambient temperature of 0 derajat

Celsius – 40 derajat celsius.

d. This device is a stationary product and shall not be moved, pressed or taken apart at will or else it may lose

efficiency inadvertently.

e. This device shall not be used in environment where oxygen density is bellow 17%

f. This device is intended for saving life of adults only in an emergency.

g. Respirators with broken vaccum bags shall not be used.

Call/WA 081310626689




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